GroenLinks and BIJ1 agree on a lot of topics. In the House of Representatives, in which BIJ1 has one seat as of last year, we often work together and vote for the same proposals. In the municipality of Amsterdam we’ve also had a successful collaboration in the past four years. 


GroenLinks and BIJ1 both are fighting against racism and discrimination, want wealth to be distributed more equally, and think there should be higher effort in the fight against poverty. GroenLinks and BIJ1 both stand for a country where everyone gets the same rights and respect. 

The biggest difference between us and BIJ1 is experience. BIJ1 is a young party, full of activism, that currently has no seats in a local council. GroenLinks is idealistic, and at the same time we have experience in governing in as much municipalities as possible. We do so by working together with other leftist and centrist parties. We have City Managers (Wethouders) in tens of municipalities and participate in the councils. 


Because BIJ1 is only participating in these elections in five municipalities, we can’t find a lot of differences between our parties. That’s why we decided to not make a Party Comparison. Is your vote swinging between BIJ1 and GroenLinks? Then we advise you to use a tool like [Stemwijzer] about your own municipality. This will specify differences particular to your municipality.